Please contact us directly for questions about fees for therapy services.
Payment is expected at the time of service. Credit cards, checks, and cash are accepted.
Some of our providers are in-network providers with many BCBS plans. All other insurance plans are considered “out-of-network.” We are happy to submit claims on your behalf and/or provide you with the required paperwork to obtain reimbursement from your insurance provider. Most of our clients receive between 60% to 80% reimbursement from their insurance plans.
Some plans require that a deductible be met before reimbursement can occur. Please be aware that not all insurance companies reimburse for out-of-network providers. It is your responsibility to contact your insurance to discuss your out-of-network provider benefits and the claim filing procedures of your insurance company. The billing procedure codes we typically use for mental health services include 90791 for the initial evaluation and 90834, 90837, or 90847 for psychotherapy. For nutrition services, the billing procedure codes used include 97802 for the initial evaluation and 97803 for the follow-ups (*if you would like to seek reimbursement from your insurance plan for nutrition services, please ask your medical or mental health provider for a medical diagnosis. You can find the referral form HERE). We are happy to provide you with the required paperwork to obtain reimbursement from your insurance provider and/or submit claims on your behalf.

Questions To Ask Your Insurance Company
Do I need a referral from my primary care physician, and/or need prior authorization from my insurance company?
What company covers my mental health benefits?
Sometimes insurance companies carve out mental health treatment to other entities to manage mental/behavioral health treatment
Do I have teletherapy benefits and if yes, what are they? What codes are necessary to submit to the insurance? Are there limits?
What, if any, are my co-payments or co-insurance?
Do I have a deductible? If yes, how much of my deductible has been met to date?
Does my policy have an out-of-pocket maximum?
What sort of in-network or out-of-network coverage do I have for nutrition services? Do I need preauthorization? Do I need a medical or psychological diagnosis? What are the limits to my coverage?
If my provider is not in my insurance network:
What percentage of my bill will be paid by the insurance company?
Is there an out-of-network deductible that must be met? If yes, what is it?
Is the percentage of my bill paid by the insurance company based on usual, customary, and reasonable (UCR) schedules or on the actual charges?​
Does my policy have an out-of-pocket maximum?
It is a good idea to note the date of your call and the name of the person you spoke with.