Yoga & Movement
It's time to focus on you!
Join yoga teacher and arts therapist Melinda Ferraraccio, LCAT-lp, AEA, RYT to create space with yoga.
Private one-on-one and small group sessions are available.
Melinda began practicing yoga in NYC in 1998. She holds a 500 hr advanced training certification in the tradition of ISHTA yoga under the guidance of Alan Finger. ISHTA (the integrated science of hatha, tantra, and aryuveda) provided a strong base from which she developed a keen eye for addressing the specific needs of her students.
A devoted yogi, Melinda continues to practice in awe of these teachings. She currently teaches in NYC and in the Hudson Valley, specializing in identifying and catering to her students individuality. She is honored to have the opportunity to empower students to discover their own strengths in this practice.